I’ve always wanted to try grilling fish on a cedar plank, and I finally got to do it. It’s very easy to do, and makes a beautiful presentation. The best part is that it’s not a lot of hard work. The flavor of the fish has a subtle taste of wood, and the fish turns out moist and flavorful.
Our California summer months are most enjoyed uncovering our Weber and gas grills. My birthday is in July, so usually like to invite friends and family over for a birthday BBQ.
That’s always my excuse to bake my own birthday cake. Trust me, this is the perfect excuse for me to bake a new cake recipe– and this one has been on my mind for months.
I bought a beautiful piece of salmon, and I had a cedar plank that I had forgotten about. Blogging this dinner wasn’t on my mind, so I didn’t photograph my usual step-by-step photos. The salmon turned out so delicious, that I wanted to share it with you.
You can find food-safe planks at most any kitchen store, and I’ve even seen them in the grilling displays at grocery stores, at Target or Costco. They average about $5.00 each. It’s important to buy planks that haven’t been treated with chemicals, so I it’s to avoid buying them from Home Depot! Soak the plank in a dish of water, weighted down with something heavy, for at least four hours.
This makes a beautiful presentation, without a lot of hard work. I’m going to buy a few more planks because this was a fun way to prepare fresh fish on the grill.
Grilled Cedar Plank Salmon With Tarragon Herbs
- 1 cedar plank 6 by 14 inches NOTE: My plank was slightly smaller; just adjust the salmon to fit the size of the plank.
- 2 salmon fillets 1 1/2 pounds total*
- Salt and freshly ground black pepper
- 1/2 cup fresh chopped tarragon Italian Parsley is a good substitute
- 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
- 1 lemon
- 2 Tbsp. finely chopped shallot about 1/2 small
- 1 small clove fresh garlic minced
- 1/4 tsp. red pepper flakes
For the plank:
- Soak cedar plank in salted water for 2 hours, then drain.
- Pat the excess water from the plank, then brush it with a thin layer of vegetable oil
- In a small bowl, mix the fresh herbs, olive oil, garlic, shallot and garlic. Zest 1/2 of the lemon, and add to the herb mixture. Set aside.
- Slice the lemon in to 1/4" thick slices, and layer across the plank as a "bed" for the salmon.
- Remove skin from salmon fillet. Rinse the salmon under cold running water and pat dry with paper towels.
- Season the salmon with salt and pepper on both sides.
- Lay the salmon (on what was skin-side down) on the cedar plank and lemon slices.
- Set grill for indirect grilling and heat to medium-high. Have a spray bottle of water nearby.
- Place the cedar plank in the center of the hot grate, away from the heat. Cover the grill and cook until almost cooked through, around 15 to 20 minutes.
- Spoon the herb mixture on top of the salmon, cover on the grill, and continue to grill until the internal temperature should read 135 degrees F. Transfer the salmon and plank to a platter and serve right off the plank.
- NOTE: If the edges of the plank start to catch fire, mist with water, or move the plank to a cooler part of the grill.

You spent your summer vacation laying floors? My mother would have said "are you mad at yourself?" (smile). From experience I know that floors are a big, big job. I would not have had the energy left to make cedar planked salmon for myself, much less anyone else. Pat yourself on the back for that one.
Your photos are fantastic and make me want to jump in the screen and take a bite.
Happy Birthday! Thanks for all the stories and recipes you share with us. Hope you'll post some pics of you new living area when you can. And the cake looks beautiful – can hardly wait to see the recipe. Enjoy the rest of your summer!
I am not a huge fan of salmon but this looks absolutely delicious.
That is one gorgeous-looking piece of fish!
This is our favorite way to prepare salmon… turns out beautifully every time. Happy belated birthday!!
Wow…the summer sure flew by. At least you had a chance to get away for a few weeks before you started the big project. You are a brave lady!
I have a plank tucked away that I have never used. I think now is a perfect time to pull it out of the cupboard.
Can't believe that you are back to work. Hope you have a great school year!
Always wanted to try salmon on a plank, usually just end up smoking it. Thanks for describing how to make what looks like a delicious dinner. Love tarragon and salmon. 🙂
No matter how much time I have off, I never get as much of the fun stuff done as I wish I had! Sounds like you spent your birthday right…eating awesome food! The salmon looks great and I can't wait to see that cake!
I've never been fond of salmon, but this looks delicious! This is the first time I've seen plank grilling up close. I bet it gets a good wood smoked flavor. This is one recipe I just may have to try despite my dislike of salmon.
It sounds like your birthday dinner was wonderful. I love salmon cooked on a plank and your cake looks out of this world. Isn't it amazing how fast a month can fly by when you don't want it to?
What a great way to spend your birthday Debby! I adore salmon, it's my absolute favorite fish and need to run out and pick up one of these planks! the recipe is incredible and I can't wait to read about your lovely birthday cake!
A very Happy Birthday to you!!! You must be so excited with your home improvements! The salmon looks amazing! I currently have some salmon in my freezer that my in-laws caught up in Alaska and now I know just what to do with it 😉
Happy belated birthday Debby! Your salmon looks absolutely mouth-watering. We love salmon but I have never cooked it on a cedar plank before, me thinks I need to give this a try 🙂
Your salmon is gorgeous on the cedar plank! I'm sorry your vacation went by so fast! Enjoy your new floors. Happy Belated Birthday!
I love the cedar planks, I make the salmon w/ honey, mustard and rosemary and it's always a big hit! Nice presentation Deb, glad you are enjoying your summer time off.
Happy Birthday I am sorry this will be belated, did not read your blogs until today 7/31/12..summer baby you are, the cedar planked salmon looks divine living in Washington state at the beach and anywhere we can find the salmon cedar planked we order it in the summertime..yummeee, your birthday cake looks great cannot wait to try the salmon and the recipe for your birthday cake, our neighbor makes the planks, native american and we buy salmon from him too, all the money goes for the native college for scholarships in Bellingham washington the school is right next western washington university where our only child attened and loved the school and the Native college, many of her classmates attend both, we feel fortunate living in this great state amongst native populations and they make their salmon on planks next to fires up in the gorge area where we go to visit family and always go to their native festivals, they have the best salmon and blackberry preserves, potatoes a certain way and it is glorious, it was their land for 100's of years before the explorers Lewis & Clark came out this way, why not honor them..have a great birthday year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that salmon looks amazing!!
This is a beautiful recipe and a beautiful piece of fish! really delicious – I'm looking forward to that cake too!
Mary x
Oh Debby, your photos are spectacular, I want to dig right in!