Homemade granola is easy to make, and you can customize it just to your liking. This is a recipe I’ve been making for years, and it’s a healthier version made with honey and a little brown sugar. Mix this with a bowl of low-fat yogurt, and you have a satisfying and delicious power snack!

Yesterday, I decided to try making my own yogurt in my Instant Pot. It was super easy to make (I’ll be posting that later), and I got to thinking about different ways I can enjoy it. Immediately, I thought of yogurt and granola– one of my favorite “power snacks”.

There are plenty of choices at the grocery store as boxed granola, or even in bulk. But look at the ingredients carefully! Granola, with quality ingredients comes with a higher price tag. With this recipe, you can make your own granola at home– for less money– and I promise you that this recipe is so good that I’ve been making it for years. I realized that I had published this recipe almost ten years ago, when I first started my blog– and I had not upgraded from a point-and-shoot camera to my DSLR. It was time to make the recipe again, and publish new photos!

Yes, there is some brown sugar, but I also use organic apple juice concentrate, honey, milk powder and a little canola oil.

While those ingredients are on a medium-high heat, I prepare the dry ingredients in a very large bowl.

I’ve made this granola recipe with dried cherries– and they are fantastic, albeit a bit harder to find and more expensive than dried cranberries. I always keep dried cranberries in my pantry, since I use them often in salads. I’ve added some dry-roasted sliced almonds as well.

Once the sugary mixture is dissolved, I turn off the heat and add almond extract. (Yes, you can substitute vanilla extra if you prefer.) For me, anything with almond (marzipan) is my favorite flavor.

The oven is preheated to 375F at this point, and I have placed the oven racks in the middle with the second one right below it. I carefully pour the liquid mixture over the dry ingredients, and give it a thorough stir until evenly coated.

Prepare two large baking sheets with non-stick spray. HOWEVER, I use parchment paper instead as this makes for much easier clean up.
Divide the granola in mix and spread evenly over each sheet pan. Place into the oven. Keep in mind that there is both sugar and honey in this recipe, so this is not the time to catch up on your DVR shows! I set a timer for 20 minutes, and a second one every five minutes. I rotate each pan from top to bottom every few minutes, and turning the granola over.

After 15 minutes, I inspect the granola to see if it’s turned a light golden brown. I watch the granola, like a hawk! Once I begin to really smell the aroma, I know it’s just about ready.

Perfect! The granola looks golden brown around the very edges, but not burned. I cannot stress enough, to keep a very close eye so that you don’t end up with black and burned granola. Ahem. I speak from previous experience!
My son was visiting us for the weekend, so I had some commercially bought vanilla yogurt (my homemade yogurt is still straining, since I like it thicker). I scooped up a bowl of yogurt and granola and it brought a big smile to his face!

TASTING NOTES: I could eat this granola by the handfuls. Honestly, I prefer this homemade recipe over any commercial brand I’ve ever tried. I tend to add extra dried cranberries and almonds, because they are so good together. I store this granola is an air-tight container and it will keep for a couple of weeks. At last I think so. In our home, this granola doesn’t last very long!
Cranberry Almond Granola
- 1 cup packed brown sugar
- 1/2 cup nonfat dry milk powder
- 1/2 cup honey
- 1/3 cup organic unsweetened apple juice concentrate
- 2 tablespoons canola oil
- 3 teaspoons almond extract
- 5 1/2 cups old-fashioned oats you can use Quick Oats, but old-fashioned is best
- 1 1/2 cups dried cherries or cranberries
- 1 cup sliced almonds
Fat-free vanilla yogurt, optional
- In a saucepan, combine the brown sugar, milk powder, honey, apple juice concentrate and oil.
- Cook and stir over medium heat until sugar is dissolved; stir in extract.
- In a large bowl, combine the oats, cherries and almonds. Drizzle with sugar mixture and mix well.
- Spread in a thin layer in two 15-in. x 10-in. x 1-in. baking pans coated with cooking spray.
- Bake at 375°F for 15-20 minutes or until golden brown, stirring occasionally. DO NOT OVERBAKE, IT CAN BURN QUICKLY!
- Cool completely. Serve with yogurt if desired. Store in an airtight container. Yield: 3 quarts.

Welcome to the foodie blog roll. You have some great recipes here on your blog and your pics are just awesome! I love to bake too!
I have granola and yogurt every morning, over a big bowl of fruit. It is usually the healthiest thing I will eat all day, but something I never get sick of. Will have to try this recipe!